Doctoral Consortium

The goal of the ICMI Doctoral Consortium is to provide PhD students with an opportunity to present their work to a group of mentors and peers from a diverse set of academic and industrial institutions, to receive feedback on their doctoral research plan and progress, and to build a cohort of young researchers interested in designing multimodal interfaces. We invite students from all PhD granting institutions who are in the process of forming or carrying out a plan for their PhD research in the area of designing multimodal interfaces. The Consortium will be held on November 12th, 2014. We expect to provide economic support to most attendees that will cover part of their costs (travel, registration, meals etc.).

Accepted Papers

Please contact the Doctoral Consortium chairs, Marco Cristani or Justine Cassell ( for questions about the information below.




Opening by organizers


(Mentors: Carlos Busso, Marco Cristani, Alessandro Vinciarelli)

9:10-9.35 Exploring Multimodality for Translator-Computer Interaction - Julián Zapata

9:35-10:00  The Impact of Changing Communication Practices - Ailbhe N. Finnerty


Coffee break


(Mentors: Carlos Busso, Marco Cristani, Alessandro Vinciarelli)

10.30-10.55 Authoring Communicative Behaviors for Situated, Embodied Characters -Tomislav Pejsa 

10.55-11.20 Speaker- and Corpus-Independent Methods for Affect Classification in Computational Paralinguistics - Heysem Kaya

11.20-11.45 Multi-Resident Human Behaviour Identification in Ambient Assisted Living Environments - Hande Alemdar

11.45- 12.10 Multimodal Analysis and Modeling of Nonverbal Behaviors during Tutoring -Joseph Grafsgaard




(Mentors: Jeffrey Cohn Marco Cristani, Alessandro Vinciarelli, Lale Akarun)

1.30-1.55 Affective Analysis of Abstract Paintings Using Statistical Analysis and Art Theory -Andreza Sartori

1.55-2.20 Facial Expression Analysis for Estimating Pain in Clinical Settings - Karan Sikka (University of California San Diego)

2.20-2.45 Perceptions of interpersonal behavior are influenced by gender, facial expression intensity, and head pose - Jeffrey M. Girard

2.45- 3.10 Appearance Based User-Independent Gaze Estimation  - Nanxiang Li

3.10- 3.35 Gaze-Based Proactive User Interface for Pen-Based Systems -Cagla Cig


Coffee break


(Mentors: Bülent Sankur , Jeffrey Cohn, Louis Philippe Morency)

4.00-4.25 Towards Social Touch Intelligence: Developing a Robust System for Automatic Touch Recognition - Merel M. Jung  (University of Twente) 

4.25-4.50 The Secret Language of Our Body - Affect and Personality Recognition Using Physiological Signals - Julia Wache

4.50-5.15 Realizing Robust Human-Robot Interaction under Real Environments with Noises -Takaaki Sugiyama





Each student will have 25 minutes to present including Q&A. Because the goal of the Doctoral Consortium us to receive feedback from mentors, rather than present completed research, we recommend that students limit their talks to ~15 minutes and use the remainder of the time for receiving feedback from the mentors. Students should plan to use their own computers to present. The room will have a projector. The tight schedule would not allow for demos or extensive depth on any point; students should provide a high-level overview of their research topic, plan, and progress. It is acceptable to include recent work in your talk (i.e., work that you might have completed since you submitted your abstracts), but we expect that you don’t deviate too much from the research plan to presented in your respective proposals.


All students are required to prepare a poster to present at the conference poster session Friday afternoon (15:30-16:45, Doctoral Spotlight Session). Authors will have available a poster board of size 135 cm x 115 cm (width x height). The posters do not need to follow a particular template.


Mentors (in alphabetical order)

·       Professor Lale Akarun, Bogazici University, Turkey

·       Professor Carlos Busso, University of Texas at Dallas, United States

·       Professor Jeffrey Cohn, University of Pittsburgh, United States

·       Professor Marco Cristani, University of Verona, Italy

·       Professor Louis-Philippe Morency, University of Southern California, United States

·       Professor Bülent Sankur, Bogazici University, Turkey

·       Professor Alessandro Vinciarelli, University of Glasgow, United Kingdom

Doctoral Consortium Chairs

For further questions, contact the Doctoral Consortium co-chairs (

  • Marco Cristani, University of Verona, IT
  • Justine Cassell, Carnegie Mellon University, USA

ICMI 2014 ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction. 12-16th November 2014, Istanbul, Turkey. Copyright © 2010-2025