The Advisory Board of the ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI) invites proposals to host the 18th Annual Conference, to be held in a between the end of September and mid-November 2016. We seek preliminary draft proposals from bidders in the Asia-Pacific region (ICMI 2014 is in Istanbul, Turkey, and ICMI 2015 will be in Seattle, USA), although strong proposals from other regions are also welcome. Promising bidders will be asked to provide additional information for the final selection.
Proposals will be evaluated according to the following criteria (unordered):
- Experience and reputation of General Chairs and Program Chairs
- Local multimodal interaction community support
- (Local) government and industry support
- Support and opportunities for students
- Accessibility and attractiveness of proposed site
- Suitability of proposed dates (with list of specific conflicts to avoid)
- Adequacy of conference facilities for the anticipated number of attendees
- Adequacy of accommodations and food services in a range of price categories and close to the
conference facilities
- Overall balance of budget projections
- Geographical balance with regard to previous ICMI meetings
All communications, including request for information and bid submission, should be sent to the ICMI Advisory Board Chair (Daniel Gatica-Perez: gatica(at)idiap(dot)ch)
Important Dates
- December 22, 2014 - Notify intention to submit proposal
- January 26, 2015 - Draft proposals due
- February 9, 2015 - Feedback to bidders
- February 23, 2015 - Final bids due
- March 15, 2015 - Bid selected
Bid Content
The following questions have to be answered for the official bid (both draft and final proposals). Text in
square brackets [] contains considerations to be taken into account.
- Describe briefly the conference, including side events
- Describe briefly the conference site.
- What date do you consider?
- What is the nearest (international) airport?
- Please give price quotes for the cheapest roundtrip to the conference location from Frankfurt,
London, New York, San Francisco, Beijing and Tokyo (assume one week of travel with a Saturday
overnight stay)
- What transportation should participants use from the airport to the conference site?
- Does the conference site both have a large room for a maximum of 250 people and about 5 smaller
rooms for a maximum of 30-50 people? Is there wireless connection available for attendees? What
about audio-visual facilities?
- What is the approximate room rate (single and double occupancy)? Is breakfast included? [Often
all the attendees of ICMI stay at the same hotel. If this is your case, the conference chair should
find a hotel that allows accommodation for the expected number of people. Booking rooms and
meals in the same hotel as the conference rooms often helps reducing the overall costs.]
- Catering, including breaks, receptions, banquet and entertainment. We encourage organizers to
provide coffee breaks and lunches in order to promote community building and discussion
- Which support can your department give for the organization of the conference (e.g., free
secretarial assistance, facilities for on-line payment?
- Which support can your department give during the conference (e.g., free secretarial assistance,
PCs / Macs at the conference site)?
- What are your plans for sponsorship? To which associations / companies / institutions do you plan
to apply for financial assistance? What do you realistically expect to receive from them? What are
your plans concerning student travel stipend program [A minimum of $5,000 should be reserved
from each year's conference budget to support student travel from each of the three major
geographic regions (Americas, Europe-Africa, Asia-Pacific), or $15,000 total. For example, if a
grant for $15,000 is obtained from NSF to support U.S. student travel but there is no external
funding for students from other continents, then an additional $10,000 of ICMI Society funds
should be set aside for students from the other two continents]
- What actions will you take to make the conference cheaper for students? (e.g., seek financial
support from other organizations, provide cheaper rooms)? What reduction do you realistically
- Provide the names of people who are foreseen or confirmed for the major Conference Committees:
General Chairs, Program Chairs, Sponsorship Chair; volunteer labor, registration handling. Describe
any experience the team has had in organizing previous conferences and the number of
participants at those conferences
- Local Multimodal Interaction community
- How do you propose to run the paper reviewing process? Do you see any possible improvements?
- How will you organize the content of the conference to ensure a high-quality and energetic
exchange of information that includes timely topics and stimulating external speakers? Please be
specific in your suggestions for how you would organize the main program and workshops/tutorials
- Any other aspects that you may find relevant for the evaluation of your proposal
Preparing a budget proposal
Based on estimates from previous attendance, one might expect 200 participants to ICMI. Please, provide
two budgets, one for 150 participants and the other for 200. Costs that will have to be covered include:
- Rental of conference space and meeting rooms
- AV equipment
- Coffee breaks and possibly lunch
- Registration desk/technical helpers (e.g., student volunteers)
- Tutorials
- Producing and printing the proceedings
- ACM 18% contribution and contingency fund
- Conference poster and advertising
- Social dinner
- Welcome reception
- Dinner/lunch for ICMI board meeting