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Turkish German Multimodal Interaction Summit

The Turkish German Multimodal Interaction Summit is an event to promote collaboration between the leading scientific institutions of Turkey and Germany in the field of human computer interaction. Organized one day before the 16th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction in Istanbul, this meeting aims to introduce the latest research and projects of the groups to each other, to foster collaboration and networking between the groups, to promote educational and scientific joint activities, and information exchange, particularly vis-a-vis the Horizon 2020 program of the European Union. Participation is free for all students and researchers, and we encourage all ICMI participants to join this event.

Past ICMI meetings

Past PUI metings

  • 3rd PUI Orlando, USA, 2001, joint with ICMI
  • 2nd PUI San Francisco, USA, 1998
  • 1st PUI Banff, Canada, 1997

Past MLMI meetings

Video records of previous MLMIs

ICMI 2014 ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction. 12-16th November 2014, Istanbul, Turkey. Copyright © 2010-2025