The first ICMI Awards were presented at the conference banquet on Nov. 14, 2014.

ICMI Sustained Accomplishment Award

Sharon Oviatt

The award is presented to a senior scientist who has made long-lasting contributions to the field of multimodal interaction, interfaces, and systems, and who has demonstrated vision in shaping the field, pioneered one or more research directions, and substantially influenced the work of others.

ICMI Community Service Award

Matthew Turk

The award is presented to an individual who has made sustained organizational contributions to build and diversify ICMI, including the creation of mechanisms to promote intellectual and multidisciplinary exchange and the expansion of opportunities for student training and participation.

ICMI Ten-Year Technical Impact Award

Nuria Oliver, Eric Horvitz, Ashutosh Garg, "Layered Representations for Human Activity Recognition," ICMI 2002.

Carlos Busso, Zhigang Deng, Serdar Yildirim, Murtaza Bulut, Chul Min Lee, Abe Kazemzadeh, Sungbok Lee, Ulrich Neumann, Shrikanth Narayanan, "Analysis of Emotion Recognition using Facial Expressions, Speech and Multimodal Information," ICMI 2004.

The award is presented to a group of scientists for contributing a seminal paper published in ICMI (or previous events that evolved into ICMI) with the largest influence in an area within multimodal interaction, interfaces, and systems, and published 10 years or more in the past.

Outstanding Paper Awards presented to

Yasmine N. El-Glaly and Francis Quek, "Digital Reading Support for The Blind by Multimodal Interaction"

Ryo Ishii, Kazuhiro Otsuka, Shiro Kumano, Junji Yamato, "Analysis of Respiration for Prediction of Who Will Be Next Speaker and When in Multi-Party Meetings"

Outstanding Student Paper Award presented to

Marwa M. Mahmoud, Tadas Baltrusaitis, Peter Robinson, "Automatic Detection of Naturalistic Hand-over-Face Gesture Descriptors"

Outstanding Reviewer Award presented to

Graham Wilson

Samer Al Moubayed

Recognition for excellence in reviewing presented to

Eva Hudlicka

M. Ehsan Hoque

Bo Xiao

Hendrik Buschmeier

Ayse Kucukyilmaz

Nadia Mana

ICMI 2014 ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction. 12-16th November 2014, Istanbul, Turkey. Copyright © 2010-2025