Sponsorship of ICMI 2016

ICMI 2016 invites companies, foundations, institutions, and other entities to support the 2016 conference through financial sponsorship. Your support would be invaluable for the success of ICMI and we provide several levels of sponsorships with benefits as described below. Sponsors’ funds will support student travel, conference meals/receptions, coffee breaks.

Platinum Sponsorship, $10,000

  • Recognition with company logo as a Main Sponsor in print, on the Web, full page ad in conference program, and on badge lanyard or USB proceedings.
  • Naming rights to the Conference Banquet with an opportunity to showcase your company’s product at the banquet.
  • Distribution of one company-provided promotional sheet and/or one company-provided promotional item as part of registration packet to attendees.
  • Special sessions during workshop/tutorial days for people to learn your products.
  • One exhibition table
  • Three free conference registrations

Gold Sponsorship, $5,000

  • Recognition with company logo as a Gold Sponsor in print, on the Web, and ½ page ad in conference program.
  • Naming rights for a reception (other than banquet).
  • Distribution of one company-provided promotional sheet as part of registration packet to attendees
  • One exhibition table
  • Two free conference registrations

Silver Sponsorship, $3,000

  • Recognition with company logo as a Silver Sponsor in print, on the Web, and conference program
  • One exhibition table
  • One free conference registration

Bronze Sponsorship, $1,000

  • Recognition with company name as a Bronze Sponsor in print, on the Web, and conference program.

Donation Contacts:

Please contact Emily Mower Provost (emilykmp@umich.edu), Takatsugu Hirayama (hirayama@is.nagoya-u.ac.jp), and Ryo Yonetani (yonetani@iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp) to make a donation or for more information.

ICMI 2016 ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction. Copyright © 2015-2025