Sponsorship of ICMI 2020

ICMI is the premier international forum for multidisciplinary research on multimodal human-human and human-computer interaction. Research presented at ICMI is diverse, contributing to areas such as user interfaces in automobiles, interactions with social robots, training for public speaking, evaluating mental health, etc.

The conference features world-renowned keynote speakers, strictly-reviewed papers for presentation, demonstrations/exhibits, workshops/tutorials, special sessions, grand challenges, and a doctoral consortium.

The conference attracts researchers in relevant areas of computing science (e.g., AI, machine learning, sensors, cognitive computing) and representatives from innovative companies at the forefront of technological development from around the world. Delegate numbers of around 200 people from a host of countries are typical.

ICMI 2020 invites companies, foundations, institutions, universities and other entities to support the 2020 conference through financial sponsorship. Your support would be invaluable for the success of ICMI and we provide several levels of sponsorships with benefits as described below. Sponsors' funds will support student travel, conference meals/receptions, coffee breaks, and so on.

This year's conference theme: In this information age, technological innovation is at the core of our lives and rapidly transforming and impacting the state of the world in art, culture, and society, and science as well - the borders between classical disciplines such as humanities and computer science are fading. In particular, we wonder how multimodal processing of human behavioural data can create meaningful impact in art, culture, and society practices. And vice versa, how does art, culture, and society influence our approaches and techniques in multimodal processing? As such, this year, ICMI welcomes contributions on our theme for Multimodal processing and representation of Human Behaviour in Art, Culture, and Society

Please note that the following sponsorship tiers are suggestions. We will gladly work with you on custom sponsorships. Startups and nonprofits also receive discounted sponsorship rates (Bronze at €1,000, Silver at €2,000).

Platinum Sponsorship, €10,000

  • Recognition with company logo as a Main Sponsor in print, on the Web, full page ad in conference program, and on badge lanyard or USB proceedings
  • Naming rights to the Conference Banquet with an opportunity to showcase your company’s product at the banquet
  • Distribution of one company-provided promotional sheet and/or one company-provided promotional item as part of registration packet to attendees
  • Special sessions during workshop/tutorial days for people to learn your products
  • One exhibition table
  • Three free conference registrations

Gold Sponsorship, €6,000

  • Recognition with company logo as a Gold Sponsor in print, on the Web, and ½ page ad in conference program
  • Naming rights for a reception (other than banquet)
  • Distribution of one company-provided promotional sheet as part of registration packet to attendees
  • One exhibition table
  • Two free conference registrations

Silver Sponsorship, €3,000

  • Recognition with company logo as a Silver Sponsor in print, on the Web, and conference program
  • One exhibition table
  • One free conference registration

Bronze Sponsorship, €1,500

  • Recognition with company name as a Bronze Sponsor in print, on the Web, and conference program

Exhibition Space

There are opportunities for research teams and companies to exhibit their work and products at the conference. Please contact Khiet Truong <k.p.truong@utwente.nl> and Dirk Heylen <d.k.j.heylen@utwente.nl>.

Sponsorship and donation Contacts:

To register your interest in sponsoring the 2020 ICMI Conference in Utrecht, the Netherlands, please contact the sponsorship chair Raj Tumuluri <raj@openstream.com>.

ICMI 2020 ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction. Copyright © 2019-2025