
The ICMI 2012 Demonstrations & Exhibits session is intended to provide a forum to showcase innovative implementations, systems and technologies demonstrating new ideas about interactive multimodal interfaces. They can also serve to introduce commercial products not published in previous scientific publications. Demonstrations & Exhibits should be short, so that they can be presented several times. We particularly encourage demonstration of interactive systems and multimodal recognizers and sensors. The main difference between demonstrations and exhibit is that demonstrations include a 2 page paper which will be included in ICMI proceedings. We encourage both the submission of early research prototypes and interesting mature systems.

Accepted Demo papers

106 Multimodal Multiparty Social Interaction with the Furhat Head Samer Al Moubayed, Gabriel Skantze, Jonas Beskow, Kalin Stefanov, Joakim Gustafson
109 Pixene: Creating Memories while Sharing Photos Ramadevi Vennelakanti, Sriganesh Madhvanath, Anbumani Subramanian, Ajith Sowndararajan, Arun David, Prasenjit Dey
107 The Blue One to the Left: Enabling Expressive User Interaction in a Multimodal Interface for Object Selection in Virtual 3D environments Pulkit Budhiraja, Madhvanath Sriganesh
113 Designing Multiuser Multimodal Gestural Interactions for the Living Room Sriganesh Madhvanath, Ramadevi Vennelakanti, Anbumani Subramanian, Ankit Shekhawat, Prasenjit Dey, Amit Ranjan
115 Using Explanations for Runtime Dialogue Adaptation Florian Nothdurft, Frank Honold, Peter Kurzok
116 NeuoDialog: An EEG-Enabled Spoken Dialog Interface Seshadri Sridharan, Yun-Nung Chen, Kai-Min Chang, Alexander I. Rudnicky
119 Multimodal Collaboration for Crime Scene Investigation in Mediated Reality Dragoş Datcu, Thomas Swart, Stephan Lukosch, Zoltan Rusak
121 Companion Technology for Multimodal Interaction Frank Honold, Florian Nothdurft, Peter Kurzok, Felix Schüssel
117 GamEMO: How Physiological Signals Show your Emotions and Enhance your Game Experience. Guillaume Chanel, Konstantina Kalogianni, Thierry Pun
112 An Avatar-based Help System for a Grid Computing Web Portal Helmut Lang, Florian Nothdurft
122 PAMOCAT: linking Motion Capturing and Conversation Analysis Bernhard Brüning, Christian Schnier, Karola Pitsch, Sven Wachsmuth
125 Multimodal Dialogue in Mobile Local Search Patrick Ehlen, Michael Johston

ICMI 2012 Demonstration and Exhibit Chairs:

Please send ICMI workshop proposals and questions to:

Wolfgang Minker (Ulm University, Germany):

Ramón López-Cózar Delgado (University of Granada, Spain):

ICMI 2012 ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction. 22-26th October 2012, Santa Monica, Californica. Copyright © 2010-2025   |