Outstanding Student Paper Awards
(supported by USC Institute for Creative Technologies)
Fishing or a Z?: Investigating the Effects of Error on Mimetic and Alphabet Device-based Gesture Interaction
Abdallah El Ali, Johan Kildal, Vuokko Lantz
Outstanding Paper Awards
(supported by USC Institute for Creative Technologies)
Automatic Detection of Pain Intensity
Zakia Hammal, Jeffrey F. Cohn
Consistent but Modest: A Meta-Analysis on Unimodal and Multimodal Affect Detection Accuracies from 30 Studies
Sidney D'Mello, Jacqueline Kory
Gestures as Point Clouds: A $P Recognizer for User Interface Prototypes
Radu-Daniel Vatavu, Lisa Anthony, Jacob O. Wobbrock
Linking Speaking and Looking Behavior Patterns with Group Composition, Perception, and Performance
Dineshbabu Jayagopi, Dairazalia Sanchez-Cortes, Kazuhiro Otsuka, Junji Yamato, Daniel Gatica-Perez
Grand Challenge awards
(supported by Pascal Network of Excellence)
Audio-Visual Emotion Challenges - Fully-Continuous Sub-Challenge
Robust continuous prediction of human emotions using multiscale dynamic cues
Jeremie Nicolle, Vincent Rapp, Kévin Bailly, Lionel Prevost, and Mohamed Chetouani
Audio-Visual Emotion Challenges - Word-Level Sub-Challenge
Combining Video, Audio and Lexical Indicators of Affect in Spontaneous Conversation via Particle Filtering
Arman Savran, Houwei Cao, Miraj Shah, Ani Nenkova, Ragini Verma
Doctoral Consortium Awards
Timing multimodal turn-taking in human-robot cooperation
Crystal Chao, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Space, Speech, and Gesture in Human-Robot Interaction
Ross Mead, University of Southern California, USA
Simulating Real Danger? Validation of Driving Simulator Test and Psychological Factors in Brake Response Time to Danger
Daniele Ruscio, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Italy
Multimodal Learning Analytics - Enabling the Future of Learning through Multimodal Data Analysis and Interfaces
Marcelo Worsley, Stanford University, USA
Demo Awards
Multimodal Multiparty Social Interaction with the Furhat Head
Samer Al Moubayed, Gabriel Skantze, Jonas Beskow, Kalin Stefanov, Joakim Gustafson
Multimodal Dialogue in Mobile Local Search
Patrick Ehlen, Michael Johston
SGamEMO: How Physiological Signals Show your Emotions and Enhance your Game Experience
Guillaume Chanel, Konstantina Kalogianni, Thierry Pun