ICMI welcomes high-quality submissions on theoretical and empirical foundations,
component technologies, and combined multimodal processing techniques that define
the field of multimodal interaction analysis, interface design, and system development.
There are two different submission categories:
- Long paper: Each accepted long paper will be presented as a talk during
the main conference. An accompanying demonstration can be presented during the demo
session (see Demonstration section). The maximum length is 8 pages in the two-column
ACM conference format.
- Short paper: Each accepted short paper will be presented as a short talk
or as a poster. The maximum length is 4 pages in the two-column ACM conference format.
There will be a mixture of oral presentations and poster presentations at the conference.
Both are considered as having equal status in the conference and in the proceedings -
posters are not considered as "second class" acceptances. The decision of a poster or an
oral presentation will be made by the program committee.
Camera-ready Submission Instructions
Authors of accepted papers of all categories should look into the following pages for camera-ready submission instructions.
for the following categories: full paper, short paper, special session paper, doctoral consortium, and grand challenges (chair and paper)
(META-D grand challenge authors, please contact challenge organizers directly.)
for the following categories: for categories: keynote abstract, demo outline, workshop overview/summaries and special session overview/summaries.
The reviewing will be double blind, so submissions should be anonymous: do not include the
authors' names or affiliations in the paper or any clearly identifiable information. It is
appropriate to cite past work of the authors if these citations are treated like any other
(e.g., "Smith [5] approached this problem by....") - omit references only if it would be
obviously identifying the authors. [Note: if a non-anonymous paper has already been submitted,
please re-submit with the identifying information removed.]
Submitted papers should conform to the ACM publication format. The results described in
the submission must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. For templates and
examples follow the link:
We will have a rebuttal and discussion period, which was introduced last year and has shown to improve the review process.
During this period, authors will be able to see the reviews and post a short rebuttal addressing
any major misinterpretation or error. The rebuttal period will be followed by a discussion period
between the reviewers and area chair (not visible to authors). Authors will be notified of the
final decision on July 25th, 2012.
For paper submission use the
conference submission website.
Demo submissions should be fill out the form in the Demonstration section.
Authors have to specify at time of submission one of these 4 areas as primary area, and one or
more as secondary areas:
- Multimodal Interaction Processing
Machine learning, pattern recognition and signal processing approaches for the analysis and modeling of multimodal interaction between people and among the different modalities within people; adaptation and multimodal input fusion and output generation, addressing any combination of: vision, gaze, audio, speech, smell/olfaction, taste, gestures, e-pen, haptic and tangible, bio-signals such as brain, skin conductivity, etc.
- Interactive systems and applications
Mobile and ubiquitous systems, automotive and navigation systems, human-robot and human-virtual agent interaction, virtual and augmented reality, education, authoring, entertainment, gaming, telepresence, assistive and prosthetic systems, brain-computer interfaces, universal access, healthcare, biometry, intelligent environments, meeting analysis and meeting spaces, indexing, retrieval and summarization, etc.
- Modeling human communication patterns
The modalities and the applications named above lead to a need for multimodal models of human-human and human-machine communication, including verbal and nonverbal interaction, affordances of different modalities, multimodal discourse and dialogue modeling, modeling of culture as it pertains to multimodality, long-term multimodal interaction, multimodality in social and affective interaction, multimodal social signal processing.
- Data, evaluation and standards for Multimodal Interactive systems
Design issues, principles and best practices and authoring techniques for human-machine interfaces using any combinations of input and/or output multiple modalities. Architectures; assessment techniques and methodologies; corpora; annotation and browsing of multimodal interactive data; W3C and other standards for multimodal interaction and interfaces, evaluation techniques for multimodal systems.
Extra material (e.g. videos) up to 40MB can be attached in the same submission website.
For questions related with the info in this page, please contact one of the program or demonstration chairs.